Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 3

I just had the most veggie-pumped juice ever...not my favorite but I chugged it down like it was sweet sweet booze...(how I miss you already). I figured I needed to do more juices with more veggies than fruit so today I made my juice with celery, cilantro, half a bell pepper, two tomatoes, and 1 cucumber. it was ok...with an aftertaste of celery--BLECH! BTW: i hate celery, i can't even eat it with PB.

Yesterday was a slight-relapse kind of day...i blame it on my Garde Manger class. So much good food! I had a  small taste of a few things. Other than that it was juice juice juice the rest of the day. :)

Just a heads up to any future juicers: if you take the plunge its best to have a great support group. My support group is made up of my wonderful mom, my sister and my boyfriend. they help me keep focused and keep my eye on the prize. John is my hardcore support, making sure I stay on track, and for that I'm thankful :)

Juice On Peeps!

Monday, April 23, 2012

And so it begins...Day 1

Alright so today is the first day of my 50-day juicing reboot. About two weeks ago I did a 10-day reboot. I admit the first three days were hard for say the least. I'm so used to eating constantly that I found it very difficult to break the habit. I had to remind myself that I couldn't head for the fridge each time I got hungry. By the end of my 10-day reboot I felt so re-energized and alert all the time. After a week and a half break I'm going back on the reboot but this time for 50 days straight. 50 days of nothing but fresh vegetable and fruit juices and water and NOTHING else. This is just my first day and so far so good. I'll keep up with the postings as much as I can.
Till then, juice on!